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Bi-Vocational Pastor, DMIN Student

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Starting Off.

I have reluctantly entered the 21'ST century world of technology kicking and screaming.

My intention is to share Puritan thoughts of the past in order to engage in conversation regarding the sharing of the gospel in today' culture. I hope to engage folks to think deeply about the Scriptures, Puritan theology and thought, the gospel, and this rapidly changing culture.

My concern is that we are in a post modern world where truth is no longer absolute. We are dealing with the church in the west that "will not endure sound teaching...accumulat[ing] for themselves teachers to suit their own passions." (2 Timothy 4:3) We are faced with increasing pressure to market the church so that it is culture friendly.

How do we present the gospel in today's world that no longer believes in absolutes, and where the church no longer lives out the richness of the truths of Scripture following in the footsteps of those spiritual giants that went before us?

For those of us who are engaged in ministry, whether from the platform or pew, I offer these words in this initial blog. From Richard Baxter, "Your study of physics and other sciences is not worth a rush, if it be not God that you seek after in them. To see and admire, to reverence and adore, to love and delight in God, as exhibited in his works--this is the true and only philosophy; the contrary is mere foolery, and is so called again and again by God himself. This is the sanctification of your studies, when they are devoted to God, and when he is the end, the object, and the life of them all."

1 comment:

Wally said...

I'm glad you're doing this! I look forward to some good reading and discussion